And as lightning, I've written in 10 minutazos and it shows.
Marcus Flavius \u200b\u200bAquila (Channing Tatum) has always been obsessed with the fact that his father lost the gold standard of the Eagle when the Ninth Legion was lost in the far north of Britain. Become
centurion, Marcus and his slave Esca Breton (Jamie Bell) emprederán after the search banner hearing rumors that he is worshiped in a religious Breton behind Hadrian's Wall.
Scotland's Kevin McDonald is one of the most interesting directors to come out in recent years, after the great The Last King of Scotland and the remarkable State of Play gives us this adaptation of the novel by Rosemary Sutcliff (adpated in the 70's by the BBC and first part of a trilogy).
While the outcome does not match their previous work if a product is well crafted and entertaining, the story is too classical for my taste and I believe the term 'motivations characters, beginning hampers too long a film that you have to wait 40 minutes to see the players begin their foray into enemy territory and then see how the story comes on around the clock. Channing Tatum
not yet realized that to act is not necessary to have muscles in their ears and Jamie Bell gives his best for a bad character profiling. Donald Sutherland and Mark Strong play minor roles and the truth is it's a shame. Yet
McDonald shows his great skills as a director and get the film look more expensive than it actually was, and obviously influenced by John Boorman film when forests because from Defense Excalibur o Emerald Forest had not seen a natural environment so well filmed.
The ultimate Neo-Peplum be expected. Trailer.
Source, Duncan Jones (2011).
Colter Captain Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) wakes with a start on the inside of a Chicago commuter train. While all other passengers seem to know he has absolutely no idea where or even who he is. The last thing I remember is to be flying by helicopter during a mission Iraq, but here seems to be someone who will work in the morning like any other day. But before he can do anything a train is approaching the wrong way and a bomb that apparently killed Colter and all other passengers.
The second feature
Duncan Jones is promising more than it expected this Source Code offers, although the idea is good and full of possibilities the plot of the train is too short, something is missing more action, the end is too lachrymose, it seems that the issue of the attack was secondary and I admit that Jake Gylenhall just do not drink. A dash defined over worked and could have provided the impetus for source code was remembered as one of the great 2011.
have been accused of having sold Duncan Jones in his second film but be aware that to loosen pulp producers not enough to have talent and need to have a blockbuster or at least a bachelor profitable in the curriculum, and Source code works if the economic might to finance any of the expensive projects of science fiction (genre director habemus) that Jones has in mind. It seems that after all there are serious chances that a Jones to succeed in the film but hopefully regain the level of Moon. In case you did not know Duncan son of David Jones aka David Bowie. Trailer.
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