Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lupus Rash On Shoulder

Scenes to remember.

Responding to a challenge by the blog Einer Messy Souls here are my scenes to remember.
Updated: If you read this Lazoworks , David (Intramuros) , Cahiers Pepe, Insanus and Gary Torment know they're nominated for another if they please, and if they do it better pa'ellos not have let themselves be manipulated and spend a good week Santa.

funniest Scene: In Amici Miei (1975) Mario Monicelli many comic scenes to choose from but no doubt the best known and most amusing is the scene of the train station.
It can be seen at 5 bastard characters devoting himself to fire the train passengers a somewhat peculiar.

Scene sadder: A borghese piccolo piccolo (1977) Monicelli again but this time we have the other side of the coin. Giovanni Vivaldi The protagonist contemplates the body of her son who has just been murdered before their very eyes. Great movie tragicomic.

happier Scene: Let's see the Wizard of Oz. The proto brimming with so much happiness you give me gag.

bittersweet Scene: The end of Gran Torino.

rarest Scene: The Meaning of Life (1983). Half of the Movie: Where is the little fish?. Explicadmelo please.

most disturbing scene: In Defense (1972) by John Boorman have a clear example of the evils of hiking and being a Sunday. Pig squeals!, Chilla!. Poor Ned Beatty.

more suspense Scene: the end of Buried (Buried), sand, haste, ahogoooooo me (and I was in the film).

most terrifying scene: The beheading of the photographer who played the immortal David Warner in The Omen.

most romantic scene: The Empire Strikes Back, Leia and Han

Best dialogue: "a king? because I have never voted ... Monty Python

Best scene without dialogue: Once Upon a time. I quedao speechless.

Best Scene fighting : Bruce Lee VS Kareem Abdul Jabbar. Was there any doubt?

Best music scene Tommy (1975). The Who + Ken Russell = explosive mixture.

Best dance scene: It is time that the justice to this movie: Saturday Night Fever.

Best speech: Harry Callahan and his Magnum 44.

here to view it in Castilian (insert stupid disabled by request.)

Best start: Planet of the Apes (1968). I've always liked that start with Heston fatalistic sharing reflections with the ship's computer, and the ghostly claims without showing the ship landing. Here you can see part of the launch.

Best death: wanted to put the Sheriff Baker (Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid), but not to repeat (the Einer included). In its place is the death he deserved Tony Montana (I love him / hate him).

Best climax: The final battle of Excalibur (1981). It has everything.

Best finish: can not kill the boogeyman or Michael Myers never dies, Bwa ha ha ha!

The scene that should never have been filmed: MI-DI-CLO-RIA-NOS. Need I say more?.

The best scene of the story: I have seen it coming edge wimp!.

That is to ... that is to ..., that's all folks!


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