Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Exiled During Menstruation

Planet of the Apes. Part II. Lightning Reviews

Beneath the Planet of the Apes / Beyond the Planet of the Apes (1970). Ted Post.

A new ship from space and time in charge of astronaut lands Brent (James Franciscus), who came in search of the late George Taylor (Charlton Heston). Returns to meet the apes who rule the world, relegating human slavery. However, with the help of Dr. Zira (Kim Hunter) will follow Taylor traces to the Forbidden Zone, in whose catacombs, which are the ruins of the subway in New York, finds a mutant human race with telepathic powers.

Today it is common before we write a single line of a script for a movie called the "creator" of it and think of sequels, spin offs, TV shows, comics and endless of products that probably will not see the light and become a billionaire. But in 1970 the thing was not usual so when Fox asked the producer Arthur P. Jacobs to conduct another Apes did not know they had just set off. Neither
Schaffner at the address or Serling in the script, and Roddy McDowall (scheduling conflicts) but with a Charlton Heston who gave the change of extinction if the beginning of the film to return in the final minutes, and (SPOILER) destroy the planet to prevent further consequences that discredited the original (and very clever but not mr. Heston), and to show his love for acting won his salary to charity.
Acclaimed screenwriter Paul Dehn (Goldfinger) became the guardian of the designs and created a script monkey inferior to the original concepts but full of commendable but would need the hand of a mind with more experience in this science fiction and to correct the errors as if the first film is said to be set in 3978 in this second part states that are Brent 3955. With the professional
Ted Post, less gifted in that direction but a professional Schaffner solvent, and only half the budget that the first delivery was perpetrated an original and entertaining sequel in the tracing. I mean the fact that we return to again follow the adventures of an astronaut, in this case Brent (Franciscus and Heston Mini), which reaches the happy planet / future but this time following in the footsteps of Taylor.
Only at the end the thing has a real interest when we discover the true mystery of the Forbidden Zone: (SPOILER) the people are mutants with telepathic powers and disfigured body hiding with masks (how do the make?, Who designs them?) and who worship a nuclear bomb. As I said before, if Dehn had help from someone more versed in Sci Fi that will help them polish their ideas the final product would have been more round.
Although it is also worthy of praise is the scene where a dozen apes crucified upside down and the giant statue of the Lawgiver weeps blood, is that a dose of violence and courage never hurts. Little
social criticism, notes of a more militarized society simian in the previous movie and a group of pacifist hippies apes gorillas reprisals by the military.
I've always been aware of the inferiority of this sequel front a su original pero también proclamo que me doy de hostias con quien sea por defenderla, y es que en el fondo tiene su encanto.
También la vi por primera vez en la Telecinco de los 90 cuando en un par de meses emitieron la saga casi completa (faltó la quinta), parece mentira en una cadena que involuciona cada vez más.

Linda Harrison/Nova, por última vez.

En la siguiente entrega comentaré la trilogía de Cesar tambien conocida como la Saga de la Paradoja Temporal. Paul Dehn a todo trapo y sin freno dando una de cal y otra de arena.
Y es que, digan lo que digan, lo "mejor" was coming.


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