The corruption in Spain reached alarming levels. It is not just cases of urban corruption, bribery, prevarication, and so on., That widely affect the major parties: we talk about corruption in the very foundations of the system.
In this context we have established the perpetual alternation of political organizations cling to power for decades (PP, PSOE, CiU ...), no other options than those necessary to achieve their own goals, without permeability of new ideas, without allowing the active participation of citizens, stifling any possibility of democratic regeneration.
The electoral law has been reinforced as major party to disproportionately penalize the representation of minorities. Unlike other countries with a healthy democracy, our Parliament does not reflect the ideological diversity of society English.
The party politics has become more professional: do not get to be the best, but the very young to have engaged in influence and manage discipline in the hierarchy. The will of the people is ignored in making important decisions that are taken as pressure groups representing only the interests of minority or economically powerful media. The draft laws are developed on the backs of citizens, manipulating information and by giving good education and fraudulent reporting.
The only glimmer of participation that are left us election calls. But in each of the major parties resort to closed and blocked lists, the campaign of fear, to ask the "vote" to win no adversary with which it alternates in power. Although English society considers politicians to third problem of the country , turns over and over again to vote for them: politicians who govern isolated from the public, and the intention of maintaining that situation indefinitely.
On May 22 we are called to exercise our democratic right main: the vote. During the election campaign, in a context of brutal economic crisis, the appeal to fear more than ever. You give up one more time, ignore them. But you can also become aware of your power as a citizen: open your eyes and get involved personally in the weary citizens' network that they consider is in our hands to improve the situation. You can contribute to greater discussion of important issues, to inform us correctly and objectively, to making big decisions depend not only that two or three elites agree, giving back the views and interest of most citizens.
A vote-yours-can not be a blank check for a party for four years can ignore the popular will. The political decision-making tailored financial pressure groups or media are a symptom that something is very wrong in our democracy: the result of a divorce between citizens and major parties alternating in power.
ask you not vote for any particular party or ideology, but reports you to check for alternative policies that might best represent your ideas, and what people think of as democracy. Democracy is not the major parties: democracy are you, and millions like you.
Without your vote is nothing. On 22 May, VOTES NO LES .
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