Friday, April 29, 2011

Iron Shots For Bad Anemia

TV Eye: Crematorium. HBO made in Spain. Visiting

After 8 chapters Crematorium is finally over, the miniseries based on the novel by Rafael Chirbes and rewarded in 2007 with the National Review.
not know the novel (which I promise to remedy in the summer) but the series has was what this country needs in terms of TV. Canal + (producer of the invention) having been nourished by a decade of production of U.S. channel HBO has decided to take the step that no one seemed willing to give, to mature to the English TV fiction (in Italy they did with the great Rome the Criminal I highly recommend it.)
Crematorium during only 8 chapters recounts the decline of urban empire built up over 30 years by the architect and builder Rubén Bertomeu (José Sancho stunning as always), their family relationships and emotional ties as well as a few backstabbing ( great trio: Traian, Collado and SARC).
Accompanying the main plot are the flashbacks (which would provide for a separate story of gigantic proportions) that we have Bertucci's rise from his farm in Misenta (near Valencia ficiticia) to cement the sky, money, and corruption that it has created and is cracking.
Shot in cinema format, with good performances in general terms we have a series that strays from what we usually offer this country in terms of TV, no family doctor, the super, Aida, physics or chemistry or other cathodic slag.
Crematorium in biting the jugular of the television landscape that is the well-known and underused (in cultural) issue of urban corruption without mincing even though its small format makes it lose a little depth. And pass offers Iberian version of The Godfather or The Sopranos forming one of the first myths of the English television that we could export without shame.
8 chapters in principle but that no one was surprised that Chirbes and Canal + is for a hypothetical alien below.

courtesy Loquillo topic.

And a trailer for the undecided.

I remind the staff that in just a couple of weeks and will be available on DVD or BLURAY for 30 euros. I sure peak.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pregnancy Test Negative Pressure Peeing Alot



Given that the area we call Ponto covers an area of \u200b\u200balmost 1000 kilometers of coastline and 100 inward divided into separate valleys by high mountains and gorges through which rivers run, we understand that its folklore and traditions are very different depending on the place where we are. As I am no expert on the subject but I just feel drawn to these people and their culture, I focus on those sections that I found more information.

female attire is called Dsupuna or Dsipuna (Ζουπούνα or Ζιπούνα). It is usually used for women in urban centers and is believed to be of Byzantine origin. It consists of several parts with different names, although the designated by the name of the long-sleeved tunic is wide basis. This suit differs from region to region, but also by age of women and their economic situation.

The dsupuna generally consists of the following parts:

  1. Τάπλα (τεπελίκι) - Tapla (Τepeliki): A disc that is placed on the head, tying it.

  2. Κόσμημα - Kósmima: Jewelry that indicate the family's financial situation.

  3. Σπαρέλ - Sparel: Covers the front, from neck to waist.

  4. Κατιφέ (ζακέτο) - Katif: (jacket): quite luxurious garment worn over the robe, made of silk and trimmed with the area.

  5. Λαχόρ or ζωνάρ '- Lajór or DSONE: A type of scarf that ties around the waist.

  6. Ζουπούνα or Ζιπούνα - Dsupuna or dsipuna: Long-sleeved tunic reaching to the ankles. Button leads to the waist. Is open at the sides to promote the mobility of the legs.

  7. Σαλβάρ - Save: Kind of pants or boyfriends who are below the dsupuna.

Other common items are:

  1. Λετσέκ - Letsék: scarf that is worn in some areas, no tie, covering a little Tapla.

  2. Κουντούρας - Kunture: Heeled shoe.

  3. Γκερνταλούκ - Gerdalúk: necklace made of gold or silver.

  4. Φοτά - Photographers: A type of apron is fastened around the waist, dark blue with stripes of various colors, which reaches to the feet.

  5. Κοκνέτσα - Koknetsa: Square fabric which surrounds the body above the dsupuna from the waist to the calves.

  6. Κοχλίδ '- Kojlíd: Chain of gold or silver around the neck and reaches almost to the waist.

  7. Κουστίν - Kustín: Jewel in a triangle, made of pierced coins, which usually hang a cross or a small religious picture.

  8. Τζαγκία - Tzanguía: low red leather shoes that were already being used in Byzantine times. This word, which has disappeared in modern Greek, the term should τσαγκάρης (Tsangaris, shoemaker).

Photo obtained from the book "Χορευτικές Διαδικασίες και Χοροί του Πόντου" of Νίκος Ζουρνατζίδης

The male costume is called ZIPKA (ζίπκα), which is also the name of pants that form the main part of the suit. Other parts are:

  1. Paslik o paslouk (kefalodesimo) - Paslík o paslúk (pañuelo para la cabeza).

  2. Khamis (shirt) - Kamís: Camisa de lino de manga larga.

  3. charm - Filajtó: Amuleto de plata que cuelga del cuello o que va prendido al pecho.

  4. kiotsek o Time (clock) - Ora or kiotsék: Clock and especially chain hanging down from nearly two meters long.

  5. Γελέκ (γελέκο) - Yelék: Vest of cotton or wool.

  6. Κάμα (μαχαίρι) - Kama: Dagger, with its corresponding case.

  7. Τροπολόζ or ταραπουλούζ (μεταξωτό ζωνάρι) - Tropoloz or tarapulúz: Belt brightly colored silk that can measure up to 6 feet long.

  8. Εγκόλπιο - Engolpio: A type of box tied with a string, which is a religious image (usually San Jorge).

  9. Σιλαχλίκ, σελαχλίκ or σελαχλούκ (ζωνάρι) - Silajlik, selajlík or selajlúk: wide leather belt that sits above the tropoloz. Used to hold the knife, bag of snuff and other accessories.

  10. Καπνοσάκουλο, κοβούς or γαβλούχ - Kapnosákulo, gavlúj kovús or snuff bag made of skin.

  11. Ζίπκα - ZIPKA: Pants fairly wide ranging from waist to ankle, tapering gradually to be attached to the leg.

  12. Μέστια - Mestia: Cubrepantorrillas skin coming from the knee to the ankle. Will generally match the shoes.

  13. Τσάπουλας - Tchapoulas: Shoes low back tipped slightly upward.

Photo obtained from the book "Χορευτικές Διαδικασίες και Χοροί του Πόντου" of Νίκος Ζουρνατζίδης

As instruments music is the most common grouse or kementzés Pondicherry (Λύρα or κεμεντζές). It is usually built with wood that was cut plum early fall so I would not much humidity. The trunk should be free of knots and cracks. Was placed in a pile of manure to be completely dry up, there was left for a long time, sometimes even two years. In Greece, having a drier climate, are also built with other woods.

Images taken

lira size is normally between 45 and 60 centimeters long, with three strings played with a bow (τοξάρ ' toxár) usually made with horse tail-hair. He also played with the fingertips (not the fingernail). Is placed between the legs, as seen in the video (except when playing the lyre, called liraris , standing)

For "Eurovision" Insurance sponded that the lira is not entirely unknown, as it has intervened in some songs, such as who competed last year, Opa, which appears liraris Links Ioannidis. In this link can see his performance.

Other instruments used in music and Pondicherry are ζουρνά ζουρνάς (dsurnás), a wind instrument that is used primarily in open spaces, usually accompanied by the drum or ταούλ '(Taul, νταούλι, Daulia) and αγγείον or τουλούμ '(anguíon or Tulum), a gaita much simpler than we have here in Asturias, another common tool is the γαβάλ or γαβαλόπον (Gavalas or gavalopon), also called χειλιαύριν or χειλιαύλιν (jiliávrin or jiliávlin), a wooden flute that played the shepherds in the mountains. In some areas of Ponto violin is also used (especially in the west) and a kind of lira largest, Kernan (κεμανές). In this page can see the zoning.

image obtained

1-Taul. 2-Gavalas. 3-Dsurnás. 4-Lira. 5-Anguíon

As for the dancing, there is great variety, although they can be grouped according to two geographical criteria: a hand we have the western Pontic dances (eg Sinope, Bafra, Neocaesarea, Sampsunda, Ak Dag Maten) that differ from those of the East (as Trebizond, Argyrúpoli, Kerasunda, Ordu, Matsuka, Jeríana, Nikopoli, Kars , etc) not only in the steps or in music, but also the instruments used. Another division can be made between the coastal zone dances and dances of the interior, usually much more intense. This is a generalization, of course, which could be added numerous subdivisions. On this page is a list of dances by region, although not complete.

Typically (with exceptions) is dancing in circle, with the musicians in the center. There is, as in some Greek regions, a "dancer" that begins the dance and makes colorful figures.

past dances took place mostly in religious holidays (like now): Christmas, Easter, New Year, Epiphany, the feast of the town, weddings. If good weather was celebrated in the town square and was used in winter usually a building belonging to the church. Although the dance was so attached to life it was not necessary to have any celebration: it was enough that someone might set up a play and they had these like dancing, like the case today.

The dance more "universal" of Pondicherry is the tik, which has different variants (about 12 or so) in rural areas. Argon can be , Monon , diplón , tromajtón , so gónaton, Imera , etc. One form I find it very attractive for its speed is Toyi tik.

Another dance is quite common OMAL which also has many variations and dances of the same family ( aplón or Monon, diplón of Argyrúpoli of Kars, in Nikópoli ( útsai ) of Bafra ( sarikouz ), Ak-Dag Maten ( tiz ) of Sampsunda ( sampson ) of Kerasunda ( embr'opís' ) ... This does not mean that they were dancing the same, but different dances that were given the same name in different areas, simply because that word OMAL means " smooth, quiet ." In the following video we see a OMAL at first, then move on to a tik diplón and further accelerate the music to end the Toyi tik.

Another variety of or is bad dipat , also called OMAL Trapesundas (Omal of Trebizond). Is very slow and relaxing. I remember a festival in a village in northern Greece where we were dancing dipat for hours. Like many other dances Pondicherry, the dipat allows an incredible connection and communication between those who are dancing in the circle. It is so exciting that even people who know nothing of Pondicherry find it appealing when they hear it. In the following video you can see a group dancing it on TV:

Another dance that I like is títara a Argyrúpolis dance belonging to the family of dipat (although there is another títara Kars nor dislike me and that dance is very different.) To be honest, if you would make a list of dances that I like, I think very few would be left out. As I will not dwell much, just mention my favorites and put videos of some of them: Trygon, Peters, yuvarladum, ether Letsie, letsina, Jalai, dolma, kótsari, you kótsari industry, seranitsa, toms, kalon koríts ...

Of course, there are also dances "men", whose origin dates back several centuries before Christ and had a purpose of preparing for war, as pirrijios or serra , which we have discussed in the second chapter, and atsiapat (which is like the slow version of serra and women also dance in some areas). Both are very bright but also very difficult. The Serra apparently takes its name from a river in the area of \u200b\u200bTrabzon and is one of the oldest dances there, as is mentioned by Xenophon in the Anabasis. Also there is mentioned another male dance par excellence, the dance knives ( μαχαίρια ο πιτσάκ οινί, majéria or pitsák ). Impressive to see it:

This is the text of Xenophon in the talk of the dance:

" After they had made libations and sung the paean, rose about Thracians and danced to the flute with their weapons, taking big jumps with great briskness and moving blades. Finally, one hit the other, it seemed, and he fell with great artifice. The Paphlagonians shouted. And that hit, having stripped the fallen from his arms, singing out Sitalces. Other Thracians took the vanquished as if dead, given that nothing would have happened. "

The last of which I speak is a dance rather peculiar, since it is almost a theatrical performance. Is the so-called μωμογέρια, μωμοέρια or κοτσαμάνια ( momoguéria, momoéria or kotsamánia ). Held in early winter, coinciding with Christmas, although some areas may extend even to the carnival. Their roots are in remote antiquity, since it is a pagan festival in honor of Momo, god of satire. Very reminiscent of the "winter masquerade" taking place in many parts of the Iberian Peninsula, both for its satirical as the interaction that occurs with the public. There are recurring characters, like the devil, the bride, the old, old, bear, doctor ... and others that vary according to the towns where they are held. But the best is to see one of the videos recorded in the Panhellenic festival:

some years there is a festival of dances Pondicherry, which is now in its sixth edition. It brings together associations throughout Greece and presents a varied repertoire. Here you can see some 1700 dancers with a embr'opis' and kotsijtón OMAL of Kerasunda:

In this one we see the following dances: sarikuz Kars, turi, you kótsari geometry, kótsari , Omal Trapesúndas and Kars Omal . Is very long, but worth it:

One feature that immediately calls attention is the τρέμουλο (trembling), a kind of shakes with the dances of the mountainous interior, Kars and especially Nikopoli. You can see more clearly in the video below, as there are close-ups of the dancers:

That's not all dances performed by members of the associations dressed in their costumes, I also put some video of the festivals celebrated throughout Greece, especially in the north. I chose the festival Korin (near Katerini) and I was there five years ago and found it really wonderful to be dancing with hundreds of people who did not know anything. Look for example at minute 2 and you will understand what I mean:


Finally, I quote the words of a dance teacher in a recent interview Pondicherry, Christos Sidirópulos, who when asked if the street people still dance the dances or performances are preserved in the following reply: "The dances of the Pond Like most of the dances of Greece, are alive. The current dance young and old, men and women at parties and family celebrations in all towns and cities where they live Pondicherry. They are not museum pieces, preserved in a scenario. Nor are choreographed dances added to be more spectacular, for tourists. Here we teach such as the dancing continues people today. The dances are still linked to everyday life and still have the same sense of party, to enjoy being together. "

Maria Paz

Links to previous chapters:

The Pondicherry: a stateless people (I. Introduction)

The Pondicherry: a people without a country (II. 2700 years of history)

The Pondicherry: a stateless people (III. The great catastrophe)

The Pondicherry: a stateless people (IV. The Russian-Pondicherry)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Does Fl Have Certificate For Rent Paid Tax Forms

Maier Vivian

This is my entry four since I created the blog, I could not think to put here, I somehow do something special, but this Easter I'm out of vacation and there is little to tell. I'm going to start posting algorithms own poems and others. I have recently done, except go for a run, now has given me around, eating and working.

Image, which has nothing to do with the post , of

already left me the last leg on my current target, and I still have enough to know what the next. At the moment I'm waiting to take an exit to another highway or a break in American station, but it all depends on luck.

Another image that has nothing to do with the post , of

I have a picture taken that up, but I always leave the camera in the car.

Exiled During Menstruation

Planet of the Apes. Part II. Lightning Reviews

Beneath the Planet of the Apes / Beyond the Planet of the Apes (1970). Ted Post.

A new ship from space and time in charge of astronaut lands Brent (James Franciscus), who came in search of the late George Taylor (Charlton Heston). Returns to meet the apes who rule the world, relegating human slavery. However, with the help of Dr. Zira (Kim Hunter) will follow Taylor traces to the Forbidden Zone, in whose catacombs, which are the ruins of the subway in New York, finds a mutant human race with telepathic powers.

Today it is common before we write a single line of a script for a movie called the "creator" of it and think of sequels, spin offs, TV shows, comics and endless of products that probably will not see the light and become a billionaire. But in 1970 the thing was not usual so when Fox asked the producer Arthur P. Jacobs to conduct another Apes did not know they had just set off. Neither
Schaffner at the address or Serling in the script, and Roddy McDowall (scheduling conflicts) but with a Charlton Heston who gave the change of extinction if the beginning of the film to return in the final minutes, and (SPOILER) destroy the planet to prevent further consequences that discredited the original (and very clever but not mr. Heston), and to show his love for acting won his salary to charity.
Acclaimed screenwriter Paul Dehn (Goldfinger) became the guardian of the designs and created a script monkey inferior to the original concepts but full of commendable but would need the hand of a mind with more experience in this science fiction and to correct the errors as if the first film is said to be set in 3978 in this second part states that are Brent 3955. With the professional
Ted Post, less gifted in that direction but a professional Schaffner solvent, and only half the budget that the first delivery was perpetrated an original and entertaining sequel in the tracing. I mean the fact that we return to again follow the adventures of an astronaut, in this case Brent (Franciscus and Heston Mini), which reaches the happy planet / future but this time following in the footsteps of Taylor.
Only at the end the thing has a real interest when we discover the true mystery of the Forbidden Zone: (SPOILER) the people are mutants with telepathic powers and disfigured body hiding with masks (how do the make?, Who designs them?) and who worship a nuclear bomb. As I said before, if Dehn had help from someone more versed in Sci Fi that will help them polish their ideas the final product would have been more round.
Although it is also worthy of praise is the scene where a dozen apes crucified upside down and the giant statue of the Lawgiver weeps blood, is that a dose of violence and courage never hurts. Little
social criticism, notes of a more militarized society simian in the previous movie and a group of pacifist hippies apes gorillas reprisals by the military.
I've always been aware of the inferiority of this sequel front a su original pero también proclamo que me doy de hostias con quien sea por defenderla, y es que en el fondo tiene su encanto.
También la vi por primera vez en la Telecinco de los 90 cuando en un par de meses emitieron la saga casi completa (faltó la quinta), parece mentira en una cadena que involuciona cada vez más.

Linda Harrison/Nova, por última vez.

En la siguiente entrega comentaré la trilogía de Cesar tambien conocida como la Saga de la Paradoja Temporal. Paul Dehn a todo trapo y sin freno dando una de cal y otra de arena.
Y es que, digan lo que digan, lo "mejor" was coming.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Quicktime Women Showering

April 2011. Visiting

And as lightning, I've written in 10 minutazos and it shows.

The Legion of the Eagle, Kevin McDonald (2011).

Marcus Flavius \u200b\u200bAquila (Channing Tatum) has always been obsessed with the fact that his father lost the gold standard of the Eagle when the Ninth Legion was lost in the far north of Britain. Become
centurion, Marcus and his slave Esca Breton (Jamie Bell) emprederán after the search banner hearing rumors that he is worshiped in a religious Breton behind Hadrian's Wall.

Scotland's Kevin McDonald is one of the most interesting directors to come out in recent years, after the great The Last King of Scotland and the remarkable State of Play gives us this adaptation of the novel by Rosemary Sutcliff (adpated in the 70's by the BBC and first part of a trilogy).
While the outcome does not match their previous work if a product is well crafted and entertaining, the story is too classical for my taste and I believe the term 'motivations characters, beginning hampers too long a film that you have to wait 40 minutes to see the players begin their foray into enemy territory and then see how the story comes on around the clock. Channing Tatum
not yet realized that to act is not necessary to have muscles in their ears and Jamie Bell gives his best for a bad character profiling. Donald Sutherland and Mark Strong play minor roles and the truth is it's a shame. Yet
McDonald shows his great skills as a director and get the film look more expensive than it actually was, and obviously influenced by John Boorman film when forests because from Defense Excalibur o Emerald Forest had not seen a natural environment so well filmed.
The ultimate Neo-Peplum be expected. Trailer.

Source, Duncan Jones (2011).

Colter Captain Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) wakes with a start on the inside of a Chicago commuter train. While all other passengers seem to know he has absolutely no idea where or even who he is. The last thing I remember is to be flying by helicopter during a mission Iraq, but here seems to be someone who will work in the morning like any other day. But before he can do anything a train is approaching the wrong way and a bomb that apparently killed Colter and all other passengers.

The second feature
Duncan Jones is promising more than it expected this Source Code offers, although the idea is good and full of possibilities the plot of the train is too short, something is missing more action, the end is too lachrymose, it seems that the issue of the attack was secondary and I admit that Jake Gylenhall just do not drink. A dash defined over worked and could have provided the impetus for source code was remembered as one of the great 2011.
have been accused of having sold Duncan Jones in his second film but be aware that to loosen pulp producers not enough to have talent and need to have a blockbuster or at least a bachelor profitable in the curriculum, and Source code works if the economic might to finance any of the expensive projects of science fiction (genre director habemus) that Jones has in mind. It seems that after all there are serious chances that a Jones to succeed in the film but hopefully regain the level of Moon. In case you did not know Duncan son of David Jones aka David Bowie. Trailer.