Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Can You Take Hctz With Adderall

PS3 for the PS3 has already been released!

few days ago, they found a way to download the firmware of the PlayStation 3, as updated by the Internet, 3.50 to 3.41. This was possible thanks the original PSJailbreak (which costs a pretty penny.)

But a few hours ago, Kakarot, a scener he has done. Hex for dongles clones (as cited AVRUSB a little below) and home, I release a key that promises to "down" version of the system to a version of "exploit" .

But not only that, lets go to the "Factory / Service Mode", which is a more advanced level than the simple way to debug that left the jailbreaks.

In this mode, it is possible to load a Custom Firmware (CF), ie a firmware made to the needs of the scene.

If you want to download the. Hex published for most current devices, can enter the following link (possibly ask them to register):

psx-scene.com forums